Mark Warwarick

Mark Warwarick French Bulldogs Vancouver BC Canada

After pouring over a dog CD and answering the life-style questions for choosing an appropriate breed, the choice came down to a Boston Terrier, Pug or French Bulldog. It turned out that the Boston Terrier is a bit off-the-wall and the Pug is too bug-eyed for my taste. After studying about the breed, going to many dog shows and talking to breeders for nearly a year, we found Bianca in Tuscon and she moved to California.

Bianca already had a registered name. But when she had her first litter of pups, I had to come up with names for the pups. Frenchies are not inexpensive and being that Martha Stewart has one, I needed a name that would reflect their exclusivity. A friend from Paris was visiting, so I picked his brain. After much thought, he came up with “Par Esquisse” which loosely translates to “by design”. Being that they are sort of designer dogs, I thought it was great. All the pups from then on were to have designer names. Bianca’s first two pups became Polo Par Esquisse for the label of Ralph Lauren and Ralph Par Esquise for Ralph Lauren.

French Bulldog Club of Western Canada

The 2024 Specialty show is dedicated to Mr. Mark Warwarick in recognition of and grateful appreciation for his contribution to the French Bulldog in Canada.